

Friday, April 13, 2012

Nostalgia Time!

Hello friends! I was thinking on how to make this page more interesting. So I came up with "Nostalgia Time"."Nostalgia Time" will be a series of reviewing and maybe playing and commentating old nostalgic games like "Crash Bandicoot", "Ape Escape", "Super Mario Bros", "The Legend of Zelda" and so on.
 I'll post "Nostalgia Time" every Friday and maybe sometimes on Saturday. I'm really excited about how things will be going, so stay tuned!
Also, stay awesome!


  1. I use to play super mario every day before and after school when I was young. That was the only game I really played for quite a few months lol. Very fun and also great idea you have going on! can't wait for more!

  2. Zelda. Such good memories!
